
THE MAGIC OF 15 MINUTES:Daily Reading Practice

THE MAGIC OF 15 MINUTES: Transforming Academic Achievement through Daily Reading Practice FACT- “15-Minutes” Is The Differentiator Between A Successful Student And A Struggling Student In Terms Of Their Overall Academic Performance. Reading is an underrated skill. Isn’t it?  To be able to read, or read well is one of the metrics that defines literacy skills […]

Effective Ways to Build a Strong Vocabulary

Building a strong vocabulary is an essential skill that can enhance your communication, comprehension, and overall language abilities. Today, everyone knows how to write and converse in English, but not everyone has a way with words. Occasionally, while speaking to your friends or colleagues, you might want to describe something or someone in a single […]

How to make your kids listen to you ? The Eye-Opening Truth

Sometimes, kids don’t listen well. Along with some advice for enhancing communication with your child, here are some reasons why might not kids listen to you. Why Listening to Your Children Makes All the Difference in Their World? There is a Turkish Proverb that says, “If speaking is silver, then listening is gold.” As parents, […]

Providing Children with an Informal Reading Environment

In Stephen Krashen’s influential book, “The Power of Reading” the acclaimed researcher emphasizes the significance of creating informal environments for reading. Krashen argues that when children are free to choose their preferred reading materials in an informal environment, their reading proficiency and overall literacy skills increase. Let’s explore how this aspect, highlighted in Krashen’s book, […]

Online Reading can Improve Academic Results

Exposing Kids To Appropriate E-Books/ Digital Content Could Increase The Average Reading Levels By Upto 8.4 Months. The National Literacy Trust, United Kingdom, conducted a study in 2014/15 to investigate the impact of ebooks and online content on reading within the school environment. The study included a survey with over 30,000 responses from UK pupils […]

Curious Kids to Research Rockstars: Nurturing Young Minds Towards Research

Is your little one highly inquisitive? Do they question everything around them? Do they have an insatiable thirst to know more about the depths of things? Well, Congratulations! You might just have a great researcher in the making!  Curiosity is a remarkable trait found in children. Studies have consistently shown a positive correlation between curiosity […]

Tips to Manage and Reduce Screen-Time among Children and Teens

Today technology has become the driving force of the world. Whether it is writing a to-do list to launch a rocket into space, everything is happening using gadgets and the Internet. Entertainment, information, communication, etc have become so accessible and fast that everyone is going online. And in that everyone, toddlers and children are also […]

“Reading is Boring” – Your Child will NEVER say it again!

“Reading is boring”, “It’s such a hassle to go through all these pages” are some of the statements you as a parent could have heard your child saying. But did you know that your same child would also agree that reading is beneficial for him/ her? According to a study by the University of Nebraska […]